on the nOseWhat began as a documentary about theatrical clowning evolved into a multi-media modern clown show that cleverly weaves documentary footage with live performance. Co-produced by Elena Day (Cirque duSoleil LaNouba's original Green Bird) and featuring Mark Jaster and Sabrina Mandell of D.C.'s acclaimed Happenstance Theatre—not to mention video interviews with the likes of Bill Irwin and Gardi Hutter--on the nOse aims to shred your clown stereotypes into a bucket of confetti.
The show was presented at the Orlando Fringe Festival, the Over the Line Festival in Silver Spring, MD, and the New York Clown Theatre Festival. I was the show's co-producer and lead writer. I also shot and edited the video, wrote and designed all promotion, and even came up with the logo. Early on, I created a booklet that helped enlist the support of potential donors and participants. |