The Park PlaysAs Project Manager of The Park Plays, I helped shepherd Shakespeare in Clark Park’s ambitious expansion project from initiation to completion—which is saying something, considering the challenges. Increasing SCP’s programming from a single summer production to three set a high hurdle from the outset. But just as this unprecedented season was ramping up, the pandemic put everything on hold. Sustaining community connections and recovering momentum after such a setback was no small feat. So it was particularly satisfying when the productions were finally and successfully realized in the summer of 2021.
The Park Plays expanded SCP's reach from its namesake Clark Park in West Philly to two other Philly parks, Harrowgate Park and Vernon Park. Inspired by the production of Pericles in Clark Park, each Park Play was an original work co-created by members of its respective community, and reflected its values and voices. And although these neighborhoods hadn't previously benefitted from the ongoing presence of a theatrical company like SCP, they proved that their community spirit and creativity are unmatched. |